Q: Can the product labels be of any shape and color?
A: The shape and color have no restrictions whatsoever. You can design and personalize the labels as per your needs. The opportunities being offered here are limitless.
Q: How many food labels can be ordered at a time?
A: There is no such restriction to the number of labels to be ordered. Although, a minimum may be set.
Q: Can the food labels be of any shape and color?
A: The shape and color have no restrictions whatsoever. You can design and personalize the labels as per your need. The opportunities being offered here are limitless.
Q: How high is the level of durability of these food labels?
A: The durability is high enough to never disappoint you.
Q: Are there any restrictions on the type of surfaces these food labels should be stuck to?
A: There are no restrictions. These custom food labels are of the finest quality and strong adhesive, which ensures they can be used on any kind of surface.